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West Johnston Jazz Ensemble

The West Johnston Jazz Ensemble is currently Johnston County's only touring high school big band.  Consisting of traditional big band instruments (Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Drumset, Piano, Guitar and Bass Guitar) the group performs throughout the year for in-house concerts, other schools, retirement homes, local venues and jazz festivals.  This is a high intensity ensemble where every student learns to improvise, and develops performance in a large variety of styles from swing, bebop, funk, rock, ballad, Latin, and more.  Jazz Auditions occur during the first week of school; and, rehearsals begin shortly after and run the rest of the year.
West Johnston Band Parent Association-3_5_23 Jazz _Smith's Farm Market-49460400028.jpg
General Calendar

Last Wednesday before school - Jazz Veteran Auditions (Video)
First Wednesday of school - Jazz Rookie Auditions
September-October - Once a week rehearsals (Wed 3pm-5pm)
November on - Twice a week rehearsals (Generally Tue/Thur 3pm-4:30pm)
November-December - Local Gigs (Smith's Nursery, Retirement Homes, Barnes and Nobles, etc.)
December-January - Performances at Feeder Elementary/Middle Schools
March - Festivals
April - Jazz MPA

May - Final Concert
*more details at*
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